Water is our life, water usage is increasing in our daily life. In big cities, water consumption is very high. In our daily life schedule, there are plenty of bills which we have to pay in the first week of every month. And today we are too busy in our routine that we couldn’t get time to pay such bills standing in a long queue. But now almost every bill has to be paid online. You can use this link to pay your water bills online: https://chennaimetrowater.tn.gov.in/. The government of Tamil Nadu has taken a huge step to introduce the online payment of water bills facility and e- bills for Tamil Nadu consumers. After a long wait, this initial step is worked for e – bill payment for all the Chennai consumers.
How to Pay Water Bill Online:
To pay the water bill online one has to fill all the details correctly once the details are not correct the water bill will not be accepted. First, enter your mobile number and residence address and click to the pay the bill button. Select your nearest area or division for the water bill. Then you need to enter the bill number and subcode and click the play button to pay the amount.
To pay the bills you will provide the registered mobile number or other following details to pay your bills.
Bill number
All these details have to fill to pay your water metro bills online