India is divided into various geographical regions and each region has its own unique geographical features. The Standard Meridian of India is the line of longitude, which is used as a reference point to measure the other longitudes and latitudes in India. It was selected in 1853 and since then 82°30’E has been the Standard Meridian of India.
Selection of 82°30’E as India’s Standard Meridian
The selection of 82°30’E as India’s Standard Meridian was done in 1853 by the Government of India. The selection was made after considering various factors such as the geographical position of India, the size of the country and the prevailing political and economic conditions of the time. The selection of 82°30’E was made with the intention of establishing a single reference point for all the other longitudes and latitudes in India.
Benefits of 82°30’E as India’s Standard Meridian
The selection of 82°30’E as India’s Standard Meridian has several benefits. Firstly, it helps to standardize the measurement of longitudes and latitudes in India. This helps in the preparation of accurate maps and charts of the country. Secondly, it provides a single reference point for navigation purposes. This helps in the accurate calculation of distances between two places in India. Lastly, it helps in the formation of time zones in India. This ensures that the entire country is on the same time and helps to maintain uniformity in the country.
In conclusion, the selection of 82°30’E as India’s Standard Meridian has been a wise decision and has provided numerous benefits to the country. The selection of this line of longitude as the Standard Meridian has helped to standardize the measurement of longitudes and latitudes in India and also helped in the formation of time zones in the country.