My Girlfriend is Alien is a popular Chinese romantic comedy series that first aired in 2019. It follows the story of an alien girl who falls in love with a human boy. Fans of the show have been eagerly awaiting the release of the second season, and all eyes are now on India as the show is set to arrive soon.
When Is My Girlfriend Is Alien Season 2 Releasing?
The second season of My Girlfriend is Alien is set to air on October 19, 2020. The series will be available for streaming on Viki, a streaming platform owned by Rakuten. It will be available in both Mandarin and English.
India Release Date for Season 2
The second season of My Girlfriend is Alien is set to arrive in India on October 19, 2020. It will be available on Viki, a streaming platform owned by Rakuten. The series will be available in both Mandarin and English. Fans of the show can expect to see the same exciting plot and characters from the first season, along with new characters and storylines.
My Girlfriend is Alien season 2 is set to arrive in India on October 19, 2020. The show will be available on Viki, a streaming platform owned by Rakuten, and will be available in both Mandarin and English. Fans of the show can look forward to the same exciting plot and characters from the first season, along with new characters and storylines.