Surya Grahan, also known as a solar eclipse, is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the light of the Sun from certain parts of the Earth. It is an incredible event to witness, and in 2022, India will have the opportunity to view a Surya Grahan. In this article, we will discuss the date and time of the Surya Grahan in India in 2022, in Telugu.
Surya Grahan In India 2022
The Surya Grahan in India in 2022 is scheduled to take place on October 25th. It will be a partial eclipse, meaning that parts of the Sun will be obscured by the Moon. This eclipse will be visible from India, and it will be a great opportunity for people in India to observe this incredible natural phenomenon.
Date and Time In Telugu
The Surya Grahan in India in 2022 is scheduled to take place on October 25th, 2022. In Telugu, the time of the eclipse is estimated to be from 10:30 am to 2:45 pm. During this time, the Sun will be partially obscured by the Moon, and people in India will be able to witness this incredible event.
The Surya Grahan in India in 2022 is an incredible opportunity for people in India to witness this natural phenomenon. The eclipse is scheduled to take place on October 25th, 2022, and the time of the eclipse is estimated to be from 10:30 am to 2:45 pm in Telugu. It will be a partial eclipse, and it will be a great opportunity to observe this incredible event.