Fish Farming Scheme Odisha -:Fish Production or Fishing Business plays the important role of Odisha farmers in income and to self-employment. In Orissa state, many of the farmers are having their own fish farms and ponds. To initiate fish farming and to increase the production of fishes, the Chief Minister of Odisha state launched a Fish Farming Scheme (मछली खेती योजना) for farmers and fisheries business people. The focus of this scheme is to increase interest in fish farming among the farmers and unemployed people of the state. Under the scheme, the state government is giving subsidy to eligible candidates. The complete information for notification and registration to get the subsidy under the Fish Farming Scheme 2018 is given through the official website
The interested farmers or unemployed citizens can check through the website information about the construction of new ponds in the beneficiary’s own land with properly screened inlet and outlet and shallow tube well, 1st-year input & preventive measures for fish disease, integrated of fish farming and etc. The Directorate of Fisheries, Government of Odisha was established in 1956 with the object of development in fish farming and to increase the fisheries activities in farmers. Here we are going to provide you the complete procedure for making registration of this scheme.
- 1 About Odisha Fish Farming Scheme (उड़ीसा मछली खेती योजना के बारे में)
- 2 Odisha Fish Farming Scheme Complete Details (ओडिशा मछली खेती योजना पूर्ण विवरण)
- 3 Incentive Package for Fish Farming Scheme Odisha (भावी उद्यमियों के लिए प्रोत्साहन पैकेज उपलब्ध है)
- 4 How to Apply for Odisha Fish Farming Scheme (ओडिशा मछली खेती योजना के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें)
- 5 Eligibility Criteria for Candidates to Apply (आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों की पात्रता मानदंड)
- 6 Procedure for Offline Application for Fish Farming Scheme Odisha
- 7 Approval and Release of Subsidy Amount by Dept
About Odisha Fish Farming Scheme (उड़ीसा मछली खेती योजना के बारे में)
This scheme is launched with the name of Fish Farming Scheme Odisha 2020 (उड़ीसा मछली खेती योजना) for only people who are working in the agriculture field. The state government of Orissa launched this scheme in 27-November-2017 and that time the budget (योजना का बजट) of 96 crore rupees was allocated. Under this scheme, govt proposes (कुल भूमि का प्रस्ताव) to cover approximately 22000 hectares area for the fish farming business. The farmers are provided 50% of subsidy in loan amount (ऋण सब्सिडी प्रतिशत) for doing this work.
Odisha Fish Farming Scheme Complete Details (ओडिशा मछली खेती योजना पूर्ण विवरण)
- The farmer can get land of 2 Hectares for fish farming under this scheme. The government will provide them 1-hectare free land under this 2 hectares farm.
- The farmers can get the loan of Rs 8.5 Lakh amount, in which half of the loan (Rs. 4.24 Lakh) is paid by the farmer and the other half is paid by the government.
- Any of water body or pond can be used for farming under the scheme by farmers.
Incentive Package for Fish Farming Scheme Odisha
(भावी उद्यमियों के लिए प्रोत्साहन पैकेज उपलब्ध है)
1- Construction of new ponds in the beneficiary’s own land with properly screened inlet & outlet & shallow tube well.
- Total Unit Cost: Rs. 2.30 lakhs per ha.
- Subsidy by Govt: Rs. 40,000/- to Gen. Rs. 50,000/- to SC & ST
2- 1st-Year Input (Fish seed, feed, fertilizers, manure & preventive measures for fish disease EUS).
- Total Unit Cost: Rs 0.30 lakhs/ ha.
- Subsidy by Govt: Rs. 6,000/- to GEN Rs. 7,500/- to SC & ST
3- Integrated fish farming with Fresh Water prawn, piggery, poultry, duckery & horticulture.
- Total Unit Cost: Rs. 0.80 lakhs/ha.
- Subsidy by Govt: Rs. 16,000/- to Gen Rs. 20,000/- to SC & ST
4- Aerators & pumps. (Additional assistance to beneficiaries at Sl. No. 1)
- Total Unit Cost: Rs. 0,50 lakhs/ unit of two 1 H.P. diesel pump.
- Subsidy by Govt: Rs. 12,500/- (who have attended a level of production of 3,000 Kg. /ha./ Year & to raise further)
How to Apply for Odisha Fish Farming Scheme
(ओडिशा मछली खेती योजना के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें)
The farmers or candidates who are interested in the fish farming scheme, they need to apply scheme at the official website of ODISHA FISHERIES DEPT. First, go through the below link to the official portal where the completion notification is published by the Department.
Eligibility Criteria for Candidates to Apply (आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों की पात्रता मानदंड)
- Both types of farmer’s BPL-Below Poverty Line and APL-Above Poverty Line are eligible for this scheme. Only the educated and unemployed youths can start this business along with the farmers.
- The applicant must be having the ROR-Record of Rights certified copy from the revenue department for that land in which he/she wants to start this fish farming business.
- The interested candidates must be having enough margin money and mortgage which must be required through that particular financing bank through which he/she is going to get the loan.
- The person who wants to start this business must not be having any kind of pending loan or defaulter status in any of the commercial banks.
Procedure for Offline Application for Fish Farming Scheme Odisha
- First, you have to get the application form which you can get through the Fishery Extension Officers or also known as the FEO. You can visit the block or district level officers to get the form format.
- After that visit again to the FEO office with all the documents such as your ROR copy, bank loan willingness for finance copy and the schedule of your land.
- You have to submit all the documents and application forms in the department office after which you will get a receipt.
- The departmental person will take the verification of all documents along with the proposed land and through the representative of the commercial bank.
- The respective person at the block level will send your request to the district level officer FFDA for the next step process. You also have to pay 0.5% of your total project cost up to 5.00 HA and 1% for above 500.00 HA fees for this process in the favor of FFDA.
Approval and Release of Subsidy Amount by Dept
- After the complete application procedure, the departmental person will send your request to the next step to the FFDA technical committee consisting of JFO and to the DSF of your area.
- They will take the verification of site/land and after the confirmation, they will decide that your land or site is suitable for the fish farming project or not.
- After the verification of all documents and physical examination of land, they will contact the sponsor bank which will provide you the loan.
After the approval of the complete project from the FFDA and bank, you will receive the complete loan amount through cheque and the bank will provide you the loan account in the same bank in which you can make the loan installment payments time to time.
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