Dreamworks Animation’s beloved trilogy, “How To Train Your Dragon” is finally coming to an end with the release of its third installment, “The Hidden World”. The movie has already made its mark in multiple countries, and is now set to hit the cinemas in India.
Release Date for “How To Train Your Dragon The Hidden World” in India
The much awaited “How To Train Your Dragon The Hidden World” is set to release in India on the 22nd of February 2019. The movie is a sequel to its two successful predecessors, “How To Train Your Dragon” and “How To Train Your Dragon 2”. The third installment of the trilogy is directed by Dean DeBlois and produced by Bonnie Arnold. The movie is distributed by Universal Pictures and will be released in both 2D and 3D formats.
Indian Audience Anticipates “How To Train Your Dragon The Hidden World”
Fans of the franchise in India have been eagerly awaiting the release of the movie. The first two movies were both critically acclaimed and enjoyed by viewers, and the expectations for the third installment are high. The movie has already been released in other countries, and has been met with positive reviews. Fans are hoping for a spectacular finale to the trilogy, and are eagerly awaiting the release of the movie.
Dreamworks Animation’s “How To Train Your Dragon The Hidden World” is set to release in India on the 22nd of February 2019. The movie promises to be a fantastic conclusion to the beloved trilogy, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release. The movie is set to be released in both 2D and 3D formats, and is distributed by Universal Pictures.